MMDT1021 Chapter 3 Notes


Table of Contents
  1. MMDT1021 Chapter 3 Notes - page 1.
    1. Deprecated Tags.
    2. Formatting Tags I Use.
    3. Formatting Tags I Stay Away From.

  2. MMDT1021 Chapter 3 Notes - page 2.
    1. Doctypes revisited.
    2. Title, head, and body structure reviewed.
    3. Section headers.
    4. Paragraphs and Paragraph Alignment.

  3. MMDT1021 Chapter 3 Notes - page 3.
    1. Divisions
    2. Spans.

  4. MMDT1021 Chapter 3 Notes - page 4.
    1. Line Breaks.
    2. Non breaking space.
    3. Hiding Text (Adding Comments).
    4. Adding tool tips.