MMDT1021 Chapter 4 Notes - page 2


Using Preformatted Text

Code Result
This text is before the preformatted tag.
<pre>This is some text
inside of the tag.
  1   2   3   4
+10 +20 +30 +40
 --  --  --  --
 11  22  33  44</pre>
This text is after the preformatted tag.
This text is before the preformatted tag.
This is some text
inside of the tag.
  1   2   3   4
+10 +20 +30 +40
 --  --  --  --
 11  22  33  44

This text is after the preformatted tag.

Using Block Quotes

<blockquote> is normally used to indent text.

Code Result
Here is some text <b>before</b> the &lt;blockquote&gt;.
Here is some paragraph text that is inside the &lt;blockquote&gt; tags. This paragraph text will be indented from the left and right sides as well as set off from the surrounding text as if there were a &lt;p&gt; tag.
Here is some text <b>after</b> the &lt;blockquote&gt;.
Here is some text before the <blockquote>.

Here is some paragraph text that is inside the <blockquote> tags. This paragraph text will be indented from the left and right sides as well as set off from the surrounding text as if there were a <p> tag.

Here is some text after the <blockquote>.

Creating Superscripts and Subscripts

<SUP> and <SUB>.

Code Result
15 5<sup>th</sup> Avenue N.W. 15 5th Avenue N.W.
Water is H<sub>2</sub>O. Water is H2O.

Striking Out or Underlining Text

<STRIKE> and <U>.

Code Result
<strike>This text is stricken</strike> This text is stricken
<u>This text is underlined</u> This text is underlined

I do not like underlined text, because it is hard to tell the difference underlined text and a link.

I find it unusual that the author mentioned the <del> and <ins> tags, when the <strike> and <u> tags have the same result and seem to be better supported.

Code Result
<del>This text is deleted</del> This text is deleted
<ins>This text is inserted</ins> This text is inserted

Using Abbreviations

Its seems as though this is only supported with Mozilla based browsers (Netscape or Firefox).  Internet Explorer doesn't seem to do anything with this tag.  So I would stay away from this tag.

Code Result
A typical <abbr title="International Business Machines">IBM</abbr> <abbr title="Personal Computer">PC</abbr> stores data in one of several different places. On the <abbr title="Hard Disk Drive">HDD</abbr> for retentive data, in <abbr title="Random Access Memory">RAM</abbr> for fast access, and in registers in the <abbr title="Central Processing Unit">CPU</abbr> for immediate computation. A typical IBM PC stores data in one of several different places. On the HDD for retentive data, in RAM for fast access, and in registers in the CPU for immediate computation.