Create a web page file named lab5.htm.
Title the page "Lab Assignment 5 - Your Name" Put your name in the title. The page must have these items: 1) An image of your choosing that you find from the web. It should be sized appropriately so that it is not extremely large. Something under 300 pixels in each dimension would be good. There must be an alt attribute assigned. 2) A horizontal rule going half way across the page. 3) Two images of your choice, one left aligned and one right aligned, interspersed with text. Each image must have the alt attribute assigned. 4) I have an original image that I want you to use that is here: or here Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right and resize the image to 1/2 of its original size. Save the image as "collage.jpg" Place the image on the page. You must include an alt attribute of "collage" The finished assignment should look similar as below: You need to turn in all these files together in one folder for credit:
Your instructor can see if your web page (lab5.htm) works correctly only if the ALL images are turned in! Turn this assignment in. It will be graded and returned to you. Grading criteria: